2x KVM VPS Resource Pool

$19.00 USD
Create, Delete, Resize SSD KVM VPS's as per your own requirements! 2 CPU Cores 4 GB RAM 40 GB SSD Unmetered Bandwidth 1Gbps Network Port 2 IPv4 Addresses 10Gbps DDoS Protection Instant Deployment Virtualizor Control Panel KVM Virtualization Linux OS Options Located in Internap Los Angeles Asia Optimized Network Bandwidth Carriers China Unicom, China Mobile, China Telecom CN2, GTT, Comcast, Telia, HE, GTT, Comcast, INAP Performance IP, ChinaNet, Cogent, NTT, Zayo, Verizon, AT&T, TINet, and PCCW Price - $19/month Setup Fee - $0 (none)

4x KVM VPS Resource Pool

$29.00 USD
Create, Delete, Resize SSD KVM VPS's as per your own requirements! 4 CPU Cores 6 GB RAM 60 GB SSD Unmetered Bandwidth 1Gbps Network Port 4 IPv4 Addresses 10Gbps DDoS Protection Instant Deployment Virtualizor Control Panel KVM Virtualization Linux OS Options Located in Internap Los Angeles Asia Optimized Network Bandwidth Carriers China Unicom, China Mobile, China Telecom CN2, GTT, Comcast, Telia, HE, GTT, Comcast, INAP Performance IP, ChinaNet, Cogent, NTT, Zayo, Verizon, AT&T, TINet, and PCCW Price - $29/month Setup Fee - $0 (none)

8x KVM VPS Resource Pool

$50.00 USD
Create, Delete, Resize SSD KVM VPS's as per your own requirements! 8 CPU Cores 12 GB RAM 150 GB SSD Unmetered Bandwidth 1Gbps Network Port 8 IPv4 Addresses 10Gbps DDoS Protection Instant Deployment Virtualizor Control Panel KVM Virtualization Linux OS Options Located in Internap Los Angeles Asia Optimized Network Bandwidth Carriers China Unicom, China Mobile, China Telecom CN2, GTT, Comcast, Telia, HE, GTT, Comcast, INAP Performance IP, ChinaNet, Cogent, NTT, Zayo, Verizon, AT&T, TINet, and PCCW Price - $50/month Setup Fee - $0 (none)